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This article caught my attention immediately, as UPFs and basic food education is a major issue I’ve been thinking on for some time — I attended culinary school long ago, and now look around in horror as the rift widens between food-nutrient knowledge and the people who truly, truly need it.

I believe wholeheartedly this stuff doesn’t have to be complicated, but it also seems as though people are unwilling to learn... Or, more hopefully that they just don’t know what they don’t know, I suppose. Limited time and attention leads many to simply, “trust the message”. 😟

I’m overjoyed to see that someone else is using the metaphor about sports cars and fuel re: how much of society is fueling their bodies in 2024. I really want to help people help themselves, but am unsure how to proceed with such a large-scale issue.

This brought me a glimmer of hope in the fight against UPFs. Such an important topic. Thank you for writing about it!

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