About More than curry

A newsletter to make food lovers think - joining the dots between food, people, planet, and the way we live today.

Written by Mallika Basu, aurthor or two cookbooks, culture commentator and communications and strategy adviser. It is designed to support positive, practical change by educating, knowledge sharing or simply calling out BS in the nicest way possible. You catch more bees with honey than vinegar, after all!

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We are proudly part of the “woke brigade/blob”, a community of people who care about the way we live today, our relationships with food and systemic and structural injustice / discrimination that create inequity.

Subscribe to More than curry

Food, people, planet and the way we live today. Musings from Mallika Basu, food writer, culture commentator and board adviser.


Food writer. Culture commentator. Board advisor. BBC Good Food podcast host Cookbooks Masala & Miss Masala Substack shortlisted for the Guild of Food Writers Online Food Writing Award